Dialyse-BA 5D is used by the DIAGON D-Cell 5D hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of white blood cell count, basophil.
Dialyse-Diff I 5D is a ready to use staining reagent for the staining of white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, monocyte cell count, eosinophil cell count, neutrophil cell count on
DiaCleanser 5D is to be used for daily maintenance and cleaning of DIAGON D-Cell 5D, Mindray BC 5500 hematological analyzers.
Dia-Diluent-D is used by DIAGON D-Cell60 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING reagent.
Dia-Lyse-Diff-D-CF is used by the DIAGON DCell60 hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of , white blood cell count, lymphocytes count, mid cell, granulocyte count.
Dia-Probe-Cleaner-D is to be used for daily maintenance and cleaning of DIAGON D-Cell 60, Mindray BC 2800, 3000, 3000plus, 3200 hematological analyzers.
Diaton-CD 1.6 Diluent is used by Cell-Dyn 1400, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING reagent.
Dialyse-CD 1.6 is used by the Cell-Dyn 1400, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000 hematological analyzer(s) as a hemolysing reagent for the assay of hemoglobin, white blood cell count, lymphocytes count, mid cell, granulocyte count.
Cell-Clenz is to be used for daily maintenance and cleaning of Cell-Dyn 1300, 1400, 1600, 1700, 2000, 3000, 3500, 3200, 3700, 4000, Ruby, Sapphire hematological analyzers.
Diaton-CD 3/3.5 Diff. is used by Cell-Dyn 3000/3500/3700 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING reagent.
Diaton-CD 3/3.5 Diff. is used by Cell-Dyn 3000/3500/3700 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING reagent.
Dia-Rinse-CD 3.5 is to be used to rinse Cell-Dyn 3500 hematological analyzers between measurements and cleaning.
Dialyse-VIC-CD 3.5 is used by the Cell-Dyn 3500/3700 hematological analyzer(s) as a hemolysing reagent for the assay of hemoglobin and white blood cell count.
Diaton/Sheath-CD 4.0 is used by Cell-Dyn 4000 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING AND SHEATH reagent.
Diaglobin-CD 4.0 is used by the Cell-Dyn 4000 hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of hemoglobin.
Dialyse-CD 4.0 Part A is used by the Cell-Dyn 4000hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of white blood cell count, viable white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, monocyte cell count, eosinophil cell count, basophil cell count, neutrophil cell count, nucleated red blood cell.
Dialyse-CD 4.0 Part B is used by the Cell-Dyn 4000, Sapphire hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of white blood cell count, viable white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, monocyte cell count, eosinophil cell count, basophil cell count, neutrophil cell count, nucleated red blood cell.
Diaton Diff. LMG Diluent is used by ABX/Roche Cobas Minos or Micros (18 param.), Helios, Argos hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING reagent.