Hospitaly Pharma 

Hospitaly Pharma 

Hospitaly Kft Hospitaly logo.jpg

The innovation of the year 2009 is our Hospitaly Pharma dispensary module. The system can be operated either embedded into the infoMátrix system or as a separate module. The system meets the requirements of pharmaceutics, management and financing as well. Hospitaly Pharma effectively supports the complete range of stock management and purchase processes, and manages the stocks according to separate purchase methods. It is possible to dispatch orders to distributors and receive notes of delivery and invoices electronically. The recording of suppliers? agreements and tenders supports the monitoring of contract fulfillments, as well as the up-to-date informing of management. The system indicates the products included in the hospital?s essential drug list, and these will be primarily offered on the purchase and consumption pages. By tracking departmental consumption and supplying information, the system supports departments in fulfilling budgeting requirements. Orders and deliveries are performed online between the dispensary and the different departments. The system prepares the required dispatches for the accounting module of infoMátrix. The program can be tailored to the organizational type of the dispensary maintainer, thus it is able to operate in accordance with the local governmental or private service provider clearing systems as well. The system provides opportunity to identify drugs as per the expiry date and serial number from receipt to dosing, thus guaranteeing a high level of safety. The integrated drug information and expert system provides information about the applicability of drugs and drug-drug interaction together with the Summary of Product Characteristics issued by FDA. The system complies with the obligatory report requirements of NHF and the directions of current relevant regulations. The system is under continual development in order to meet the ever changing needs of our partners and the requirements of regulations. We have developed Hospitaly Pharma Integrated Drug-Management System in cooperation with SK PONT Ltd. By the help of their staff, we have combined the commercial logic of their widely used GYURIKA system with up-to-date IT solutions.

emergency medicine Pediatrics
medical educational healthcare medicine
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