Histopathology Ltd. is a small enterprise founded in 1994, and it's engaged in exploitation of resul
WECK-AP Ltd. since 1994.has been dealing with trade and service of medical equipment and having the
A Tradeflex Kft. 1991-ben alakult, külkereskedelmi tevékenységgel. A vállalat hat éven keresztül mag
Fejlesztési részlegünkben orvosi műszerek (IBR-System, EAV, Tensel, Ryodoraku) fejlesztésével, gyárt
Az Omszöv-Medic Kft, mint az 1952-ben alapított Orvosi Műszer Szövetkezet szakmai utóda azért alakul
Lasram’s main profiles are developing and producing of medical and industrial laser devices and prov
VMD Hospital Technology plays a significant role in the Hungarian medical market. During the past tw
Az Octopus csoport technológiai vezető szerepet tölt be a 3D-s orvosi modellezésben. Budapesti műhe
Béker-Soft Informatika Kft. was founded in the mid 90s on the field of healthcare information techno
Our company, Dent-Art-Technik Ltd. is busy in the manufacture and trade of state-of-art medical aids
A KORZET GMK - jelen cégünk elődje - 1986. áprilisában 3 fővel kezdte meg tevékenységét, majd 1997.
MEDIMON Engineering Service and Trade Ltd was founded in 1991. Its founders had several years' exper
The Medicor Elektronika Zrt. is a company limited by shares,which Hungarian company is in 100% priva
Our mission: The improvement of the living standard of those who suffer from various diseases with
Dispomedicor Zrt. has more than fifty years experience in the field of manufacturing and marketing v
A magyarországi ASS csoport felelős a minőségi oktatási bútorok tervezéséért, gyártásáért és forgalm
Az Integramed Kft. elődje, a Diagon Diagnosztikai Kft. informatikai részlege, 1996 óta végzett infor
The company KLIMEX Medical Kft was founded in 2004, since we all have medical backgrounds, our activ
Megalakult a Grays Bone and Joint Models hogy szenvedélyesen készítsen oktatási képzési modellek é
Medicor Service Co. Limited has started its activity in 1963 as the central service department of th
TensioMed is more than a standard manufacturer of medical equipment. As a result of our research and
Design and manufacture of Rigid and Flexible PCBs, graphic foils, membrane switch boards. Productio
Meditech is one of the worldwide technology leaders in the area of manufacturing ambulatory blood pr
Diagon focuses on ensuring the consistency and reliability in performance of its products and method