We make a wide range of insoles which are made in place and can be waited. We make all our insoles with custom measurements to provide excellent fit for you. In addtion we build insoles into any kind of shoes. - Orthopeadic shoes and insoles for diabetes treatments - We started first to produce silicone aesthetic prostheses (fingers, hands, feet,ears,nose) in Hungary - Stoma therapy devices, textile AFO’s by your wish - Ortheses for all parts of the human body such as wrist bandages, neck and spinal support, knee and ankle support, etc - Rehabilitation devices such as wheelchairs, special room toilets, sticks and crutches, handrails for bathing and hygene - Special seats for paralyzed adults and children which provide steady sitting either in car or buggies - Light-weight plastic-casts and walking soles for traumatic injured patients - All kind of upper and lower extremity prostheses - Raw materials and accessories for O&P production