ACT-24 screener 

ACT-24 Antibody screener 

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The ACT-24 combines the conventional tube technique, which is the generally accepted reference method for antibody screening, with a degree of automation. While the sample preparation is still being done manually, the AHG-dispensing, washing, diluting, centrifuging, as well as the reading, displaying, printing and archiving of the results is computer controlled, thus providing a standardized processing procedure. The sedimentation curves, which the instrument generates based on electronic measurements, give information about the degree of reactions in the specially bent test-tubes, together with the actual state of the system, while the captured video frames give additional supplementary information for the user. The ACT-24 is capable of performing all of the common tests in blood group serology, i.e. AB0/Rh determination (including 2 sided), Rh typing, compatibility tests (cross-matching), antibody screening and identification, conducting titration series, with the related quality control measures. The rotor in the centrifuge, just like the sample-preparation stand, provides places for 24 bent test-tubes. The tubes are available in glass or in plastic. Plastic tubes are disposable, while glass tubes are reusable, and can be washed easily. As of today, the ACT-24 gives the most economic solution for antibody screening.

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